The People Served
who do we work with?
The following groups of people are currently being served and/or targeted for assessment of needs:
Pre-school age children and families
Family consultations: Parents of deaf children are provided with resources on deafness, sign language, speech, child development, hearing aids, education options and more.
Family sign language classes are made available to parents of young deaf children.
School age children and families
School-aged deaf children who have never been to school are given the opportunity to enroll and learn in a bilingual educational program that emphasizes Vietnamese Sign Language as the primary language and written Vietnamese as the secondary language.
Family sign language classes are made available to students enrolled in the bilingual program, as well as other families in the community.
Deaf children in local schools receive sign language training by qualified Deaf teachers.
Parents of deaf children are provided with resources on deafness, sign language, child development, education options, and more.
Post-school age adults
Sign language training: For deaf people who have had limited or no access to sign language, resources are provided for sign language instruction in the form of private tutoring and group classes.
Local orphans
When a deaf orphan is identified, HFV will seek to ensure that the child has access to the most beneficial education and resources available to his/her situation.
Resources are made available for sign language instruction and local teacher in-service opportunities.
Hearing people who wish to communicate with deaf people
Sign language training is offered for hearing people who wish to communicate with their deaf family member, neighbor, or friend. This also includes hearing employers who wish to hire deaf employees.

Ready to Get Involved?
There are many ways you can support our work.
There are many ways for you to be personally involved in what’s happening in Vietnam! Do you or someone you know have a special skill or experience that you are willing to share? You may be able to lend a hand from afar via Skype or email! Our work is made possible by donors, which include individuals, families, churches, and other organizations.