May was a meaningful and emotional month for CDS. Not only did it mark the end of a school year but also a memorable milestone. Recently, we held a celebration of CDS’s 10th anniversary with representatives from centers/schools for Deaf children, partners in Da Nang and surrounding areas, individual sponsors, teachers, current and former staff, past and current students, and families.

This celebration was a time to look back at CDS’ achievements over the last ten years and to look forward to the future. It was an opportunity to express gratitude to the teachers and staff who work tirelessly for the overall success of the students. CDS’ service to Deaf children and the Vietnamese Deaf community has been a collective effort.

In their speeches, the founders shared these words:

“{In 2011} we began to ask questions and learn more about Deaf education in Vietnam. We discovered that many Deaf children did not know sign language. We also met Deaf people who had never gone to school. We LOVE sign language and know that it is the native language of Deaf people. So, we started thinking of ways to make sign language more available to the Deaf in Da Nang.

 A dream began to form. Maybe we could open a school where Deaf children could learn using Vietnamese Sign Language.

 It was just a seed. But, it grew, and grew, and continued to grow. It is still growing today. CDS started small in 2014, but God has blessed this school…

 We are grateful for the support of CBN in helping us start this school and their ongoing support. We love CDS. We love the students. We love the teachers and other staff. We love the programs. We love our partners. Thank you for all your support!”

 During the ceremony, tears could be seen in the eyes of many people present. The 10th anniversary of CDS evoked many emotions, from sadness because of the distinction often made between Hearing and Deaf children in society to joy about our approach to Deaf education. Once again, we affirmed what we know to be true: “Every Deaf person has been created with PURPOSE and VALUE.” The lives of Deaf people are important- to society and to God.